Write dynamic content non-blocking with chunked transfer encoding, the optional drain callback will be executed once all data has been written. Calling this method without a chunk of data will finalize the response headers and allow for dynamic content to be written later. An amazing real-time web framework, allowing you to easily grow single file prototypes into well-structured MVC web applications.. Everything you need to build cloud-native web applications for state of the art container environments. Powerful out of the box with RESTful routes, plugins, commands, Perl-ish templates, content negotiation, session management, form validation, testing framework. · I'm trying to make a file upload/downloader with Mojolicious::Lite and while the upload section is no problem the download section is causing trouble. This .
Mojolicious is a modern, non-blocking Web framework in Perl. Joel Berger member of the development team talks about the project and on how to get started with it. Download: mp3 (22 Mb) mins. Mojolicious Web Clients. Last updated on brian d foy. Use the power of Perl and the Mojolicious web framework to create your own command-line web user agents. Interact with websites to access, download, and process data automatically. $ mojolicious async external command execution using Mojo::IOLoop - gist
Perform queries blocking and non-blocking, use all SQL features PostgreSQL has to offer, generate CRUD queries from data structures, manage your database schema with migrations and build scalable real-time web applications with the publish/subscribe pattern. Mojolicious contains a very portable non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket server with Mojo::Server::Daemon. It is usually used during development and in the construction of more advanced web servers, but is solid and fast enough for small to mid sized applications. $./script/my_app daemon. Mojolicious is a real-time web framework, which allows a new class of web applications using WebSockets and having long-running requests without blocking. Join us now, and be a part of a friendly and knowledgeable community of developers!.