· I found a fix for a PC issue with similar results. I downloaded a mod that changed info in the following directory which produced the messages above - C:\Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Complete Edition\dlc. Check the DLC folder. If you have all of the DLC (HoS, BaW) it should have dlc , BOB, and EP1. Anything else, rename or bltadwin.ru Interaction Count: PC PS4 PS5 Switch Xbox One Xbox Series More Systems. 3DS; Android; DS; Game Boy Advance; Cant load game 'Missing the following downloadable content ' The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Xbox One. you are missing the following downloadable content required to open this save file i have searched the web, i am in the navy, im away and have no. I can't load my savefile. Says I'm missing a bunch of dlc that I already installed.. I tried redownloading them in my library, but it's still saying the dlc is missing. set your ps4 as your primary on you're account..i had that problem as well and i browsed around and got that answer.
Curious to learn about PS5 backward compatibility or how to upgrade your PS4 title to a PS5 version? About PS4 voice chat. Where's the content I bought? About downloading PS Store purchases to your console. Find your purchases. where to find pre-order release dates and how to automatically download a pre-order. About pre-orders. Country. I have the same problem right now. My PS4 is activated as my primary system in the PS, but for some reason the PS4 console doesn't see that. So when the network is down, my downloaded content is down and I get the same message as you. License revoked for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game codes (series GS and DG) redeemed in Browse categories. TECHNICAL. install, update, crash. GAMEPLAY. quests, achievements, exploration. CONTENT POLICIES. content guidelines, extras, languages. English Русский Deutsch Polski Português (BR) Français Español.
The Missing miners quest is a contract, so I believe you can start it at a noticeboard, or by talking to the one who put up the notice. It's located on Skellige, which may be why you haven't found it, if you haven't been there. Continue this thread. level 1. Rhua. Missing Downloadable Content menu after installing mods - posted in The Witcher 3 Mod Troubleshooting: Downloadable Content Menu completly mising in Main Menu. It doesnt show even after I deleted all mods. Do anyone know how to re-enable it, or where does the game keep dlc-outfits settings? I searched most settings files, even found an old file for outfits, but it is not used anymore.. I. This is because the PSN is down (or was yesterday). Your PS4 may not be correctly activated as your primary PS4, so it needs constant connection to the network to verify your licenses for anything downloaded, even free dlc. If the network is down, you wont have access your to licenses, so you can't play any save file that uses them.