· as sung by Paul Robeson; and by Nina Simone; LYRICS. Balm in Gilead traditional African American spiritual. CHORUS There is a balm in Gilead, To make the wounded whole, There is a balm in Gilead To heal the sin sick soul. Sometimes I feel discouraged, And think my work’s in vain, But then the Holy Spirit, Revives my soul bltadwin.rubility: In stock. 78_balm-in-gilead_paul-robeson-lawrence-brown-h-t-burleigh_gbia Location USA Restored True Run time Scanner Internet Archive Python library Scanningcenter George Blood, L.P. Size Source 78 User_cleaned Ben Center User_metadataentered Sean Clark Casey Dougherty User_transferred Chris Cain Casey Dougherty. Paul Robeson (April 9, – Janu) was a multi-lingual American actor, athlete, bass-baritone concert singer, writer, civil rights activist, Spingarn Medal winner, and Lenin Peace Prize laureate. Robeson found fame as an actor and singer with his fine bass-baritone voice. He is one of the few true basses in American music, his.
Balm In Gilead Paul Robeson Rockin' Chair Paul Robeson Ol' Man River Paul Robeson, Muir Mathieson choir Ray Noble and His Orchestra Waterboy Paul Robeson Ol' Man River (Single Version) Paul Robeson. Listen free to Paul Robeson - Songs of Free Men (Balm in Gilead, Chassidic Chant and more). 25 tracks (). Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at bltadwin.ru He sang songs to support the labor and social movements of his time. He sang songs for peace and justice. And, he sang African-American spiritual music. One of his famous songs was this spiritual, "Balm in Gilead." (MUSIC:"BALM IN GILEAD") VOICE ONE: Paul Robeson was recognized around the world for his fight for civil rights for black Americans.
Ripping_software_version ArchiveCD Version lp Ripping_stylus archivelp-rip-cebuada6 Ripping_time Scandate Scanner archivelp-cat-cebu02 Scanningcenter cebu Software_version ArchiveCD Version lp Source Vinyl LP Source-id bltadwin.ru 78_robeson-spirituals_paul-robeson-lawrence-brown-h.-t.-burleigh_gbia Location USA Run time Scanner Internet Archive Python library Scanningcenter George Blood, L.P. Size Source Mr. Robeson sings a most beautiful rendition of this song. Merely his incredible voice, a piano and the Carnegie Hall venue were all he needed or ever will.