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Motor Age Sets ASE Study Guides - Car Light Truck Training Package; A1-A9, L1 and P2 - Motor Age Training Master Pack 1; A1-A9, L1, X1, P2 and C1 - Motor Age. Book Type: Spiral Bound. ISBN: ASE Study Guides - T1-T8 E-Books. All titles are the most recent published versions. The most recent Motor Age Training ASE Study Guides for the T-series. This set provides the knowledge necessary for technicians to successfully prepare for and pass all 8 ASE certification exams. Prepare for the ASE A6 certification exam with our Electrical/Electronic Systems practice test. The Motor Age Training ASE practice test provides technicians with a 75 question practice exam that measures your knowledge of the ASE A6 Study Guide and task list. The practice test provides feedback with detailed explanations after each question.